Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our little Angel

Today Emalee had her first Halloween Party at preschool. She was so excited to wear her costume. She wanted to be a princess, But this is the costume that we got. Princess/Angel. It was also her turn to bring the treats so we made white chocolate popcorn. It was yummy. I had a weak moment when i got home from taking her to school and telling Ryan how much she has grownup. It is amazing how quickly your kids grow up, with out permission i might add. She had a great time. After Ryan and i took her to get lunch. She is definitely a little angel.


Blake and Tristan said...

Way cute! I love it. My girs would love that.

Anonymous said...

She is so stinkin cute!

*. Th3 BoW3n FamiLy.* said...

AHHH MY LITTLE doll IS GROWING UP!! and that is the PERFECT costume for her!! GooD PiC!! Ohh how sweet I just love that picture! She is a doll!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Wouldn't it be nice to keep them little forever!

Annie Allen said...

She is so precious!!