Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Busy day

Today Kim and i bottled sweet pickles. And as you can see Emalee is heart broken that she gets to hold Reagan. Reagan is now 1 month old.Here is the finished product of our hard days work. They are really good.And this is my very happy husband. They are officially done with the harvest. They are very proud that it only took 41/2 days from start to finish. They finished at 10:00 p.m. last night. Just before the second snow decided to grace our presence.


*. Th3 BoW3n FamiLy.* said...

ha ha he looks very happy! Make sure he grows enough facial hair to keep him warm through the winter! ! !

Emma looks not so happy at all about holding Reagan!

And your hard work does taste wonderful I am sure!

The Robinson's said...

WOW RYAN - nice facial hair, you look.....old??? :)