Monday, October 13, 2008

Dan and Nathan

Dan was able to hold Nathan again yesterday. Nathan has been on c-pap for several days now and is doing wonderful. They have upped his feedings and he weighs 2 1/2 pounds. They are waiting for the blood work to come back and see if it looks good. He is doing so good. Mel says that Nathan likes to suck on the Binky and his cry is getting so much better. With the tubes down his throat it made it sound horse. But with the c-pap it is on his nose so it gives his throat a rest and that is a good thing. Kim says that the c-pap on his nose isn't as big as it looks. Of course everything about Nathan is small. We hope that Nathan keeps doing good. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK NATHAN!!!

What a Beautiful Baby!!!!

1 comment:

Annie Allen said...

That is so precious! I am so glad he is doing so well. I just can't imagine having to go through this...