Thursday, October 23, 2008

We are now complete

Just so you all know i am making an announcement. No I am not pregnant!!! But we do have 2 new additions to the farm yard. We have 2 chickens!!! Don't know what we were thinking but it could be fun??? They were given to us. Ryan asked me if i wanted chickens and i said why the heck not. He thinks that i am crazy. If we get any eggs it will be a miracle. As you can see we have 3 curious dogs who will not leave them alone. I guess we will see how it goes.


Robinson Roost said...

And why wouldn't you get chickens. However, those dogs look a little more than curious! Old McDonald had a farm, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum. Dad wants some. He's jealous.

JC Photography said...

Those are some nice looking chicks! I'm thinking those dogs think they are good looking too!

Hannah said...

Hey, if you happen to get more eggs than you need, I'd buy some from you! I'd like chickens, but Brett says no. Let me know how it goes!