Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our little Angel

Today Emalee had her first Halloween Party at preschool. She was so excited to wear her costume. She wanted to be a princess, But this is the costume that we got. Princess/Angel. It was also her turn to bring the treats so we made white chocolate popcorn. It was yummy. I had a weak moment when i got home from taking her to school and telling Ryan how much she has grownup. It is amazing how quickly your kids grow up, with out permission i might add. She had a great time. After Ryan and i took her to get lunch. She is definitely a little angel.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

All before NOON

So my day began with Jaren getting into the lotion in my bathroom and dumping some on the carpet down the hall as he brought it to me, the whole way saying UH OH. Knowing that it was naughty. Then he wanted the blanket tied around him like superman. He totally cracks me up.

Then there is the bath. Ryan was drying his hair with the towel and you would think that he had seen a ghost. I thought the hair was worth the picture.

And then he became very quiet. NOT GOOD, usually. So i went looking and at first i couldn't find him but then i heard some whimpering and so this is what i found. I lifted up my dust ruffle and asked him what he was doing? So he tried to back out from under the bed and i realized that was why he was whimpering. He was stuck! I don't know how he got under but he couldn't get back out. Once again worth another picture. Ryan had to lift the bed a little so he could back out. We couldn't help but laugh at him. I don't think he thought it was very funny. But that is just apart of a typical day for us with Jaren. Usually it might include markers, lotion, or Desitin. Or he might just be dumping out all of his drawers to get to what ever is on top of them. He definetly keeps us very busy.

Monday, October 27, 2008

"BIG" Project

This is Ryan's project that is needing to get done. As you can see we have some big dogs and they amazingly have grown out of their old dog house. So i guess it is time to rebuild them a new home for the winter. The one that they are in i am not sure how they all fit in there. You watch them come out and they have to be stacked in there. I guess that keeps them warm and if you like to cuddle that is the way you do it.

Pumpkin Carving

For Family home Evening We decided that it is the season for a little pumpkin Carving. The kids have been asking since we got the pumpkins from my sister Melanie, when are we going to carve them. I guess it is finally time. They had a great time doing it. Melanie gave me a recipe for making dried pumpkin seeds. So as we carved the pumpkins Ryan had to put the seeds in a bowl for me so we could try using the seeds. She let me try some of the ones that she did a few years ago and they were really good. So we will see if i can do them as good as hers.
Kenadee and her fabulous pumpkin.
Dallin and his Pumpkin

Emalee and hers. She required a little bit of help

And Jaren, He really didn't care. He was outside and he just wanted a 4wheeler ride.

What a good looking group of kids.(But that is just the mom being a little prejudice i think)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Visiting Teaching Idea

I made these to take to the ladies that i go V.T. to. They are called Witches Brooms. I put some homemade Carmel's in the them. Regular Carmel's and Raspberry Carmel's. They were kinda fun. You can put any thing you want in them, i choose the Carmel's. Just an idea.:)

Almost done

This is the quilt that i have made for Nathan. Melanie pick out the fabric and started it but then she had Nathan and didn't have time to finish it. I just need to finish the binding, and then it will be done. I thought that it turned out really cute.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We are now complete

Just so you all know i am making an announcement. No I am not pregnant!!! But we do have 2 new additions to the farm yard. We have 2 chickens!!! Don't know what we were thinking but it could be fun??? They were given to us. Ryan asked me if i wanted chickens and i said why the heck not. He thinks that i am crazy. If we get any eggs it will be a miracle. As you can see we have 3 curious dogs who will not leave them alone. I guess we will see how it goes.

Great advice

So i took your advice.(you know who you are) I just couldn't stand it. It drove me kinda crazy.


For all of you who know me best this will come as a shock, so hold on. This is my junk food draw in my Kitchen. It is usually FULL of candy and assortment of other things. All the kids that come over (including their parents) know were it is and that there is always something in it.The only thing in it is a bag of M & Ms. Maybe it is depression i am not sure. But WOW. Very strange for me!!!!

When mom is gone

I attended the 5th annual Lusk Sweet Retreat on the 17 and 18 of October. I was just looking at the pictures on my camera and this is what i found my kids and Ryan keeping up on the picture end of the deal. They had a busy day they mowed the Lawn and wash all the outside windows. WOW I need to be gone more often. And if you have noticed Ryan had a beard.And he decided that it was time to take it off. I Like him to grow one at least once a year. It looks like my family survived with out me.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well i guess i have been tagged. so here are some of the things you may or may not know about me.
1. I love clean sheet day. The smell the feel every thing tightly tucked in. Doing the wash after is not so fun but the end result is great. Ryan would say that i am a perfectionist when it come to the bed looking just right.
2. I take a lot of time and care to make sure that my carpet when vacuumed is just right. I love the way it looks when just done. And the rule at my house is that no one can walk on the carpet for at least a day or so. The kids all know DON'T WALK ON THE CARPET. Crazy little quirk but hay that is life.
3. Being accepted is a big thing to me. I am quiet and reserved. But quick jump when you ask for my help. Ryan says i jump to quick.
4. I love spending time with Ryan. Going on a date or just driving around with him in town. Which leads me to my next one.
5. I don't like to just drive around aimlessly. Ryan loves to just drive around out in the middle of no where. Not me. Notice i said in town.
6. I like to make candy during the holidays. During the holidays any kind of goody is great. Sometimes my sisters and i get together and and make all kinds of candy. I really enjoy doing that.
7. I love Kathy's home made FUDGE. Also Home made MAPLE BARS.

Ok now that you know some of my wierd things i am excited to read about yours. Good Luck

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Here is an updated picture of Nathan on the C-pap. You can see his cute little face finally. Mel is able to hold Nathan a lot more now and is loving it.He is doing good and is taking one day at a time. He weights 2 pounds and 7 ounces.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dan and Nathan

Dan was able to hold Nathan again yesterday. Nathan has been on c-pap for several days now and is doing wonderful. They have upped his feedings and he weighs 2 1/2 pounds. They are waiting for the blood work to come back and see if it looks good. He is doing so good. Mel says that Nathan likes to suck on the Binky and his cry is getting so much better. With the tubes down his throat it made it sound horse. But with the c-pap it is on his nose so it gives his throat a rest and that is a good thing. Kim says that the c-pap on his nose isn't as big as it looks. Of course everything about Nathan is small. We hope that Nathan keeps doing good. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK NATHAN!!!

What a Beautiful Baby!!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Busy day

Today Kim and i bottled sweet pickles. And as you can see Emalee is heart broken that she gets to hold Reagan. Reagan is now 1 month old.Here is the finished product of our hard days work. They are really good.And this is my very happy husband. They are officially done with the harvest. They are very proud that it only took 41/2 days from start to finish. They finished at 10:00 p.m. last night. Just before the second snow decided to grace our presence.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Harvest Time

It is that time of year again and everyone is working from sun up til sun down. Justin came home to run the digger. And Tyler my brother is driving that truck.
Ryan and Dallin are running the crossover. For Ryan to be able to do that he had to bring his office with him.(according to the pit crew)Kathy got a laptop and Ryan downloaded all his work programs on the laptop. So it sits in the tractor with him. So he is still able to work. Which is really nice. Amazing how fast the sun went down.

They have the most amazing sunsets and the view is always so pretty. How lucky.

Best crew

This year i took it upon myself to feed the spud crew. I am usually in one of the trucks but with little kids it is to hard. I think Kathy had to take my spot. So i took hers. I have a better appreciation for all the work she does during harvest. Cooking for that many is a lot of work. But that is the only way i get to see Ryan. I think i am going through withdrawals not having him home all the time. It will make me appreciate him when he is home again. So my kids have had to help and of course eat the food. Tonight we had Chicken Enchiladas, Pumpkin Bars, and Hot Chocolate.
Poor Emalee by the time we feed the crew she is so tired. By the time i get home everyone is asleep. which make for a very quiet ride home which isn't all that bad. I couldn't resist in taking a picture of her dead to the world. She is so sweet.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

So Much Fun

Yesterday Kim and I bottled the carrots in my garden. Being the nice mom that i am i made Kenadee, Dallin, And Emalee help Pull,Clean, And Cut the tops off the carrots. They were so thrilled.... They were great and did what i had asked and so now we all have orange finger nails. But we got it done just in time for the snow i guess.

Gotta Love Idaho

I don't know if you can see it but that is snow that you can see. We, may i remind you that we live in Idaho. This is the first snow fall. And i agree with Sarah...... WHAT!??!?#!@?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

First time for everything

Today Dan was able to hold Nathan for the first time. And how special of a moment that we get to share it with any one who looks at this blog. Nathan is doing very good and is gaining weight like he needs to. He weights 2 pounds and 2 1/2 ounces. What an amazing little angel.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Project finally done

This is the blanket that i made for Reagan, Kims new baby. I finally got it done. It is a rag quilt. It was a lot of fun to do and easy. I am just slow. But it is done and i am very proud of it.