Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Never ending Job

We have a little bit of snow now and Dallin thinks that it is great to go out and shovel the snow. I think that it is to get out of having to practice the piano. Of course he has to do it before he can go out.Maybe by the end of the winter he won't be so excited to shovel the snow. We will see.
He asked me the other day if i had posted the pictures on the blog yet. So i guess i should be a good mom and do it for him. He loves to look at the blog. He is really a great worker. He had it all done and then it snowed again. That is the top picture. It is just the deck that he is shoveling but that is ok. It is good to keep it cleaned off.


*. Th3 BoW3n FamiLy.* said...

HOLY CRAP!! that is a lot of freaking snow... ha ha go dallin get those muscles working!! wow okay well that just made me happy to see the snow, ill enjoy what is outside of my window now!

JC Photography said...

What a great kid!!! That's awesome he actually WANTS to shovel snow. And I LOVE the gingerbread train - very impressive!

Hannah said...

Way to go Dallin! Can he come over to our house? We just have a little porch that need shoveling!

The Robinson's said...

Great work Dallin! I will buy you a plane ticket and you can come visit for a week and I'll put you to work!! You can teach my boys how a real kid works.