Monday, March 30, 2009

Dallin's 1st Pine Wood Derby

I truly can't believe that Dallin is old enough to be in Scouts. Where has the time gone. So this is Dallins first Pine Wood Derby. This is the car that him and his dad built. It is a Dune Buggy. He was so excited.

This is the track. Dallin was a little bummed that his car lost. But maybe next year he will do better. I told him that as long as he had fun that is all that mattered. I think that he had a good time.
This is the group of boys that we have in scouts right now with more on the way. There will be a big group by the end of the year. They have some great leaders right now that put a lot of time and work into it. For my first time at the pine wood it was pretty exciting. And just watching them i think was more fun. We had a good time.


Melanie said...

way to go Dallin!!!

Robinson Roost said...

Dallin, I can't believe how handsome you look in your scout uniform! And, I love your derby car. You and your dad did a great job!
This is a good memory for your memory bank.

Diane said...

That's a great dune buggy! How creative you guys are!

*. Th3 BoW3n FamiLy.* said...

NICE JOB DALLIN!!!! that is great and you look so handsome!! STOP GROWING!!!! Your Dune Buggy looks awesome!!

Beth Willmore said...

I'm so excited that I found your blog Val! Dallin is so cute in his scout uniform with his car! I'll definitely have to keep up with your cute blog. :)