Thursday, September 25, 2008

Boring Day at school

Dallin must have been bored at school yesterday. He took it upon him self to cut his hair. I don't think that he thought that i would notice but it is right in the front of his head. It is pretty bad that a 7 year old is cutting his hair. I guess i should feel blessed that he is my first to cut his hair. But as you can see it is easy to cover up once you brush his hair. So it really isn't to bad. LUCKY HIM:)

1 comment:

Brushdragon said...

Hey Valerie! You have some cute kids. It is so good to see so many of the old friends from high school updating and and keeping blogs. It is the only way to keep in touch sometimes, even for those who live within ten miles of each other :)
Take care, and as I saw, if you think a finger is bad... :) my son broke both of his arms last year...within 3 weeks of each other. Needless to say, we had to re-potty train him. I should put that on my wife's new blog. Until later, Chow.